WP 7


Socio-anthropological study

workpackage 7


- Analyze the epistemological frameworks, methods and techniques involved in the production of knowledge concerning an emerging biomedical innovation

- Define the challenges and obstacles to the development of phage therapy from a socio-cultural, economic and political point of view

- Analyze the regulatory framework for phages and phage therapy in France and abroad

- Suggest recommendations for the establishment of a production/use of phage therapy in France and dissemination to the public decision-makers (National Assembly, Senate, Health authorities)

Person in charge

Charlotte Brives, socio-anthropologist

All phases

Participatory observations in the different fields involved in the work of phage production and in the use of phages (Laboratories, Infectiology Services/Surgery Services, Hospital Pharmacy, Research Units, Multidisciplinary Meetings, etc.) Semi-structured interviews (hospital staff, regulatory bodies, patients and patient associations) Analysis of scientific and gray literature (WHO reports, French/European regulations, DGOS/DGS reports, etc.)

Organization of scientific/decision makers/politicians/general public transversal symposiums

Pharmaceutical issues

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